木之本さくらちゃん、あなたのことがずっと好きだったよ。 高校生だった私はカードキャプターさくらのアニメを見てさくらのカワイイ衣装とかキャラクターグッズとかめっちゃ欲しかった。ようやく10年後、大阪の天王子にあるアニメイトカフェが開催されたカードキャプターさくらのコラボカフェで欲しくてたまらなかったクロウカードセットを買った。そこで、三人の友達と美味しい物を食べて、楽しい時間を過ごした。カフェのなかはポスター、絵とキャラ像などが飾ってあって、おしゃれな感じだった。缶バッジをはじめデザート皿まで限定品が販売されていた。皆と心ゆくまでたくさん写真をとって嬉しかった。 皆は注文した飲み物 私はアイスティーにした 知世の優雅なアフタヌーンティーセット 魔方陣 私はクロウカードになった
Five cherry blossom viewing destinations in Nara
If you are visiting Nara in spring, you would probably like to visit some spots with many cherry trees. In Nara, cherry blossoms start blooming by the end of March and are best viewed during the first week of April. Make sure to check the weather forecast, as petals might fall off too soon due […]
Flowers of Spring in Japan
Plum blossom in Japan
Spring has arrived. One thing that is deeply associated with spring in Japan is the cherry blossom festival or ‘hanami’ (the flower viewing festival). Cherry blossom or ‘sakura’ usually start blooming by the end of March and get to peak blooming by mid of April. In Touhoku region and Hokkaido sakura appear much later. Check […]
Bon to shōgatsu ga issho ni kita yo
盆と正月が一緒に来たよう – As busy as a bee
In the spooky yōkai town
It was a grey and chilly afternoon. The mountains were shrouded in fog. Despite the drizzle I took a walk down the Mizuki Shigeru road. There he was, just around the corner. Kitaro agreed to take a picture with me.
Koi wa shian no hoka
恋は思案の外 – Love is unreasonable
Mateba Kairo no Hiyoriari
待てば海路の日和あり- Patience is a virtue
Setsubun No Hi| 節分の日
Let’s throw some beans at those bad demons and scare them away. The 3rd of February is celebrated as the end of winter season and is commonly known as the setsubun no hi. The following day marks the beginning of spring or ‘risshun’. The beginning of this new season is considered as important as the […]
千載一隅(せんざいいちぐう) A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity comes without notice. Always be prepared.